연수강좌 소개 본문

Introduction of KEMA

KEMA학회의 연수강좌는 2002년부터 근골격계 통증을 관리하는 수강자들에게 이론에 근거한 학문적 능력과 임상관리의 능력을 동시에 향상시키기 위한 목적으로 개설 되었습니다. 연수강좌는 근골격계 통증 환자의 근본적인 발생 원인(cause)을 찾아 평가하고 운동손상을 진단하여 개개인의 위험 인자를 찾아 해결하는 전문적인 맞춤형 운동 프로그램을 적용 할 수 있는 방법을 교육합니다. 

미국과 유럽 등, 선진국에서 획기적인 근골격계 통증 관리 방안으로 모범적인 모델이 된 운동계 균형이론 MSBT(movement system balance theory)을 고안하고 보급하는 Washington University School of Medicine(M.O)의 Dr. Sahrmann 과 Physical Stress Theory를 연구 발전 시킨 Dr.Mueller 등의 Movement Science lab.에서 박사 후 과정(Post Doc. Fellow)과 방문 연구교수(Visiting Research Professor)를 역임한 연세대학교 물리치료학과, 대학원 재활학과, 인간공학치료학과 교수인 권오윤 교수와 권오윤교수에게 10여년간 수학한 대학교와 전문가들에 의하여 진행됩니다.


KEMA학회 연수강좌는 Dr. Sahrmann의 MSBT 이론 뿐만 아니라 지난 10년간 삼성전자, LG, 두산엔진, GM 대우자동차 등 국내 10개 이상의 대기업에서 권오윤 교수가 직접 6000명 이상의 작업관련성 근골격계 통증 근로자를 관리하면서 쌓아 온 이론과 실습을 겸한 교육입니다.
  • 전문적인 근골격계 교육

    지난 십여 년간 매년 근골격계 통증과 관련된 대학교수, 의사, 한의사, 물리치료사, 작업치료사, 체육관련 전공자, 기업체 관계자, 정부 관계자 등 3500명 이상이 지속적으로 수강하면서 강좌의 수월성이 입증되었고 교육을 통해 전문적인 근골격계 통증 관리자들을 양성하는 최고의 교육과정으로 발전하였습니다.
  • 과학적인 접근법

    운동병리학(kinesiopathology)에 대한 실험 연구 결과에 바탕을 둔 근거에 중심의 실무(evidence based practice)를 과학적인 접근법으로 교육하고 있습니다. 이 강좌를 모두 수강하신 수강생들은 운동 손상(movement impairment)으로 인한 통증에 대한 관리와 기능부전을 회복시킬 수 있는 능력을 갖추어 진정한 전문가적 자질을 갖출 수 있다고 확신합니다.
  • 전문 관리자 양성

    강좌와 관련된 인체 해부 동영상과 실제 사례 연구 결과를 동영상으로 제공하여 수강생들의 이해를 돕는 역동적인 강좌로 운동 손상과 관련된 근골격계 통증 증후군을 관리하는 전문가 분들에게 권장하고 싶은 강좌입니다.


  • 01Introduction (8시간)

    Introduction (8시간) 입문 과정

    1. 입문과정 (Introduction Course - 8시간)

    KEMA의 개념 및 활용방안에 대한 소개

    [주요 강좌 내용]
    • Movement system
    • Biomechanics
    • MSBT (movement system balance theory) 소개
    • Motor control
    • PST (physical stress theory) 소개
    • Physiology and biomechanics of Muscle
    • Kinesiopathology and pathokinesiology
    • Classification of movement impairments
    • Ergonomics
  • 02Advanced (104시간)

    Advanced (104시간)심화 과정

    2. 심화 과정 (Advanced course - 8시간 x 13주차)

    운동기능장애로 신체의 각 부위별 KEMA 평가 및 진단을 익히고, KEMA 진단 및 분류에 따른 운동 및 관리솔루션을 학습하여 전문가를 양성하는 코스입니다.

    [주요 강좌 내용]
    • 운동 조절
    • 운동기능장애로 인한 근골격계통증 유형 분류
    • 운동분석
    • 통증의 원인 찾는 방법
    • 조절되지 않는 운동(uncontrolled movement)
      찾는 방법
    • 임상추론(clinical reasoning) 과정
    • 보상운동(compensatory movement)
    • 운동기능장애 교정을 통한 통증 관리 방법
    • 근육, 운동 불균형 찾기
    • 운동 리모델링
    • 운동기능장애와 근골격계통증 연관성 찾는 방법

    심화 과정 강의 소개

    Cervical & Thoracic Part 1강의내용보기
    Cervical part 1
    1. 1. Palpation
      1. 1-1) spinous process
      2. 1-2) ligamentum nuchae
    2. 2. Muscle palpation and test
      1. 2-1)Trapezius: upper / middle / lower
      2. 2-2) Levator scapulae
      3. 2-3) Scalene: anterior / medius / posterior
      4. 2-4) Sternocleidomastoid
      5. 2-5) Capital flexors and extensors
      6. 2-6) Cervical flexors and extensors
    3. 3. Range of motion test
      1. 3-1) Cervical flexion
      2. 3-2) Cervical extension
      3. 3-3) Cervical lateral bending
      4. 3-4) Cervical rotation
    4. 4. Movement test
      1. 4-1) Shoulder abduction
      2. 4-2) Shoulder girdle elevation
      3. 4-3) Backward rocking
    Thoracic part 1
    1. 1. Palpation
      1. 1-1) Spinous process
      2. 1-2) Transverse process pressure
      3. 1-3) Costotransverse joint
      4. 1-4) Costochondral articulation & Sternocostal articulation
      5. 1-5) Intercostalis muscles
    2. 2. Alignment
      1. 2-1) Sagittal view
      2. 2-2) Anterior view
      3. 2-3) Posterior view
    3. 3. Range of motion test
      1. 3-1) Thoracic extension
      2. 3-2) Thoracic side bending
      3. 3-3) Thoracic rotation
    4. 4. Muscle palpation and test
      1. 4-1) Back extensor strength test
      2. 4-2) Axial rotator strength and function test
      3. 4-3) Diaphragm muscle tension & strength
      4. 4-4) First rib palpation (Scalenus & SCM muscle)
      5. 4-5) Subcostal angle measure (EO & IO)
    5. 5. Movement test
      1. 5-1) Spinal stability test
      2. 5-2) Leg raise test
      3. 5-3) Thoracic lateral reach test
    Cervical Part 2강의소개
    Cervical Part 2
    1. 1. TM joint dysfunction
      1. 1-1) anatomy
      2. 1-2) muscle
      3. 1-3) Arthrokinematics
      4. 1-4) Evaluation
      5. 1-5) classification & management
        1. Ⅰ. inflammation
        2. Ⅱ. hypermobility
        3. Ⅲ. hypomobility
        4. Ⅳ. anterior disc derangement
        5. Ⅴ. muscle imbalance
        6. Ⅵ. myofascial pain syndrome
    2. 2. Cervical Classification
      1. 2-1) Introduction
      2. 2-2) cervical extension SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. evaluation
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
      3. 2-3) cervical flexion SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. evaluation
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
      4. 2-4) cervical rotation SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. evaluation
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
      5. 2-5) cervical extension-rotation SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. evaluation
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
      6. 2-6) cervical flexion-rotation SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. evaluation
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
    Thoracic Part 2강의소개
    Thoracic Part 2
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Classification
      1. 2-1) Thoracic rotation SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. Test
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
      2. 2-2) Thoracic flexion SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. Test
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
      3. 2-3) Thoracic extension SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. Test
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
      4. 2-4) Thoracic flexion-rotation SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. Test
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
      5. 2-5) Thoracic extension-rotation SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. Test
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
      6. 2-6) Multiple directional SD
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics
        2. Ⅱ. Symptom
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factor
        4. Ⅳ. Test
        5. Ⅴ. Intervention
    Shoulder Complex Part 1강의소개
    Shoulder Complex Part 1
    1. 1. Introduction
      1. 1-1) Kinetics and pathologic mechanism of shoulder complex
      2. 1-2) Scapula-humeral movements
    2. 2. Anatomy
      1. 2-1) Osteology
      2. 2-2) Arthrology
      3. 2-3) Sternoclavicular joint
      4. 2-4) Acromioclavicular joint
      5. 2-5) Glenohumeral joint
      6. 2-6) Scapulothoracic joint
    3. 3. Palpation
      1. 3-1) Bony structures
      2. 3-2) Muscles
    4. 4. Alignment
      1. 4-1) Sternoclavicular joint
      2. 4-2) Acromioclavicular joint
      3. 4-3) Glenohumeral joint
      4. 4-4) Scapulothoracic joint
    5. 5. Muscle length and strength testing
      1. 5-1) Thoracoscapular muscles
      2. 5-2) Thoracohumeral muscles
      3. 5-3) Scapulohumeral muscles
    6. 6. Movement
      1. 6-1) Scapular movement
      2. 6-2) Normal movement
      3. 6-3) Movement tests
      4. 6-4) Glenohumeral movement
      5. 6-5) Normal movement
      6. 6-6) Movement tests
    Shoulder Complex Part 2강의소개
    Shoulder Complex Part 2
    1. 1. Introduction
      1. 1-1) Considerations for shoulder management
      2. 1-2) KEMA management
    2. 2. Classification and management
      1. 2-1) A. Scapular movement impairments
        1. Ⅰ. Scapular internal rotation syndrome
          1. Ⅰ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅰ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅰ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅰ-4) Management
        2. Ⅱ. Scapular depression syndrome
          1. Ⅱ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅱ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅱ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅱ-4) Management
        3. Ⅲ. Scapular abduction syndrome
          1. Ⅲ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅲ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅲ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅲ-4) Management
        4. Ⅳ. Scapular adduction/external rotation syndrome
          1. Ⅳ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅳ-2)Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅳ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅳ-4) Management
        5. Ⅴ. Scapular elevation syndrome
          1. Ⅴ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅴ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅴ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅴ-4) Management
        6. Ⅵ. Scapular anterior tilt syndrome
          1. Ⅵ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅵ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅵ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅵ-4) Management
        7. Ⅶ. Scapular winging syndrome
          1. Ⅶ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅶ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅶ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅶ-4) Management
      2. 2-2) Glenohumeral movement impairments
        1. Ⅰ. Humeral anterior gliding syndrome
          1. Ⅰ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅰ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅰ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅰ-4) Management
        2. Ⅱ. Humeral superior gliding syndrome
          1. Ⅱ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅱ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅱ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅱ-4) Management
        3. Ⅲ. Humeral medial rotation syndrome
          1. Ⅲ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅲ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅲ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅲ-4) Management
        4. Ⅳ. Humeral hypomobility syndrome
          1. Ⅳ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅳ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅳ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅳ-4) Management
        5. Ⅴ. Humeral external rotation syndrome
          1. Ⅴ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅴ-2) Alignment; faulty alignment and tests
          3. Ⅴ-3) Movement; impaired movement and tests
          4. Ⅴ-4) Management
    Lumbopelvic Part 1강의소개
    Lumbopelvic Part 1
    1. 1. Lumbopelvic Complex
      1. 1-1) Introduction
        1. Ⅰ. Kinematic link of lumbopelvic complex
        2. Ⅱ. Muscular link of lumbopelvic complex
      2. 1-2) Anatomy
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics of Lumbar Spine
        2. Ⅱ. Characteristics of Pelvis
      3. 1-3) Bony palpation
        1. Ⅰ.Lumbar spine
        2. Ⅱ. Pelvis
      4. 1-4) Alignment
        1. Ⅰ.Lumbopelvis
        2. Ⅱ. Standing alignment (side, anterior, posterior views)
        3. Ⅲ.Sitting alignment
    2. 2. Lumbar spine
      1. 2-1) Myology of Lumbar Spine
        1. Ⅰ. Abdominal muscles
          1. Ⅰ-1) Rectus Abdominis
          2. Ⅰ-2) Internal oblique
          3. Ⅰ-3) External oblique
        2. Ⅱ. Back muscles
          1. Ⅱ-1) Erector spinae
        3. Ⅲ. Additional muscles
          1. Ⅲ-1) Quadratus lumborum
          2. Ⅲ-2) Iliopsoas
      2. 2-2) Kinesiology of lumbar spine
        1. Ⅰ. PICR
        2. Ⅱ. Active movement tests
    3. 3. Pelvis
      1. 3-1) Myology of pelvis
        1. Ⅰ. Pelvic stability muscles
          1. Ⅰ-1) Transversus abdominis
          2. Ⅰ-2) Multifidus
          3. Ⅰ-3) Diaphragm
          4. Ⅰ-4) Pelvic floor muscles
        2. Ⅱ. Sling muscle system
          1. Ⅱ-1) Anterior oblique sling muscles
          2. Ⅱ-2) Posterior longitudinal sling muscles
          3. Ⅱ-3) Posterior oblique sling muscles
          4. Ⅱ-4) Lateral sling muscles
      2. 3-2) Kinesiology of pelvis
        1. Ⅰ.Movements of Sacroiliac joint
        2. Ⅱ. Active movement tests
        3. Ⅲ.Passive movement tests
    Lumbopelvic Part 2강의소개
    Lumbopelvic Part 2
    1. 1. Lumbar part
      1. 1-1) Introduction to lumbar management
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics of low back pain
        2. Ⅱ. KEMA lumbar management
      2. 1-2) Classification and management
        1. Ⅰ. Lumbar extension syndrome
          1. Ⅰ-1) Characteristics
          2. Ⅰ-2) Contributing factors
          3. Ⅰ-3) Movement test
          4. Ⅰ-4) Management
        2. Ⅱ. Lumbar flexion syndrome
          1. Ⅱ-1) Characteristics
          2. Ⅱ-2) Contributing factors
          3. Ⅱ-3) Movement test
          4. Ⅱ-4) Management
        3. Ⅲ. Lumbar rotation syndrome
          1. Ⅲ-1) Characteristics
          2. Ⅲ-2) Contributing factors
          3. Ⅲ-3) Movement test
          4. Ⅲ-4) Management
        4. Ⅳ. Lumbar rotation- extension syndrome
          1. Ⅳ-1) Characteristics
          2. Ⅳ-2) Contributing factors
          3. Ⅳ-3) Movement test
          4. Ⅳ-4) Management
        5. Ⅴ. Lumbar rotation- flexion syndrome
          1. Ⅴ-1) Characteristics
          2. Ⅴ-2) Contributing factors
          3. Ⅴ-3) Movement test
          4. Ⅴ-4) Management
    Lumbopelvic Part 3강의소개
    Lumbopelvic Part 3
    1. 1. Pelvic part
      1. 1-1) Introduction to pelvic management
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics of Pelvis
        2. Ⅱ. Mechanical role of pelvis
        3. Ⅲ. KEMA pelvic management
      2. 1-2) Pelvic assessment
        1. Ⅰ. Pelvic posture
        2. Ⅱ. Alignment
        3. Ⅲ. Muscle
        4. Ⅳ. Movement
        5. Ⅴ. Classification scheme
      3. 1-3) Classification and management
        1. Ⅰ. Pelvic anterior tilt syndrome
          1. Ⅰ-1) Characteristics
          2. Ⅰ-2) Contributing factors
          3. Ⅰ-3) Movement test
          4. Ⅰ-4) Management
        2. Ⅱ. Pelvic posterior tile syndrome
          1. Ⅱ-1) Characteristics
          2. Ⅱ-2) Contributing factors
          3. Ⅱ-3) Movement test
          4. Ⅱ-4) Management
        3. Ⅲ. Pelvic rotation syndrome
          1. Ⅲ-1) Characteristics
          2. Ⅲ-2) Contributing factors
          3. Ⅲ-3) Movement test
          4. Ⅲ-4) Management
        4. Ⅳ. Pelvic instability
          1. Ⅳ-1) Characteristics
          2. Ⅳ-2) Contributing factors
          3. Ⅳ-3) Movement test
          4. Ⅳ-4) Management
        5. Ⅴ. Urinary incontinence
          1. Ⅴ-1) Characteristics of urinary incontinence
          2. Ⅴ-2) Assessment
          3. Ⅴ-3) Muscle test
          4. Ⅴ-4) Functional test
          5. Ⅴ-5) Management
    Hip part강의소개
    Hip part
    1. 1. Introduction
      1. 1-1) Alignment & Palpation
      2. 1-2) Common complaints
      3. 1-3) Hip joint alignment
      4. 1-4) Craig test
      5. 1-5) Anteversion and Retroversion
      6. 1-6) Coxa vara
      7. 1-7) Hip joint motion
      8. 1-8) Imbalances in the control of one joint
    2. 2. Movement tests
      1. 2-1) Hip flexion
      2. 2-2) Rocking Backward
      3. 2-3) Small knee bend test
      4. 2-4) Single leg 1/4 Squat test
      5. 2-5) Single knee lift + knee extension test
      6. 2-6) Hip medial / lateral rotation test
      7. 2-7) Hip rotation control test
      8. 2-8) 4 point : bent knee hip extension test
    3. 3. Movement Impairment Syndrome
      1. 3-1) Femoral anterior glide SD
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Movement impairments
        3. Ⅲ. Intervention
        4. Ⅳ. Corrective exercise program
      2. 3-2) Femoral anterior glide SD with lateral rotation
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Movement impairments
        3. Ⅲ. Intervention
        4. Ⅳ. Corrective exercise program
      3. 3-3) Hip adduction SD
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Movement impairments
        3. Ⅲ. Intervention
        4. Ⅳ. Corrective exercise program
      4. 3-4) Hip extension with knee extension SD
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Movement impairments
        3. Ⅲ. Intervention
        4. Ⅳ. Corrective exercise program
      5. 3-5) Hip lateral rotation SD
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Movement impairments
        3. Ⅲ. Intervention
      6. 3-6) Femoral accessory motion hypermobility SD
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Movement impairments
        3. Ⅲ. Intervention
      7. 3-7) Femoral hypomobility with superior glide
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Movement impairments
        3. Ⅲ. Intervention
        4. Ⅳ. Corrective exercise program
      8. 3-8) Femoral posterior glide with medial rotation
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Movement impairments
        3. Ⅲ. Corrective exercise program
    Knee part강의소개
    Knee part
    1. 1. Knee joint
      1. 1-1) Anatomy
        1. Ⅰ. Characteristics of knee joint
        2. Ⅱ. Patella-femoral joint
        3. Ⅲ. Femoral-tibial joint
        4. Ⅳ. Tibial-fibular joint
      2. 1-2) Palpation
        1. Ⅰ. Muscles
          1. Ⅰ-1) Quadriceps (Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis oblique)
          2. Ⅰ-2) Hamstring (Medial / lateral hamstring)
          3. Ⅰ-3) Tensor fascia Latae
        2. Ⅱ. Ligaments & tendon
          1. Ⅱ-1) Lateral collateral ligament
          2. Ⅱ-2) Medial collateral ligament
          3. Ⅱ-3) Anterior cruciate ligament
          4. Ⅱ-4) Posterior cruciate ligament
          5. Ⅱ-5) Patellar tendon
      3. 1-3) Movement system impairment of the knee
        1. Ⅰ. Tibiofemoral rotation syndrome
          1. Ⅰ-1) Symptoms
          2. Ⅰ-2) Alignment and Posture
          3. Ⅰ-3) Muscle and ligament tests
          4. Ⅰ-4) Movement tests
          5. Ⅰ-5) Interventions
        2. Ⅱ. Knee extension syndrome
          1. Ⅱ-1) Knee extension with patellar superior glide syndrome
            1. ① Symptoms
            2. ② Alignment and Posture
            3. ③ Muscle and ligament tests
            4. ④ Movement tests
            5. ⑤ Interventions
          2. Ⅱ-2) Knee hyperextension syndrome
            1. ① Symptoms
            2. ② Alignment and Posture
            3. ③ Muscle and ligament tests
            4. ④ Movement tests
            5. ⑤ Interventions
          3. Ⅱ-3) Patellar lateral glide syndrome
            1. ① Symptoms
            2. ② Alignment and Posture
            3. ③ Muscle and ligament tests
            4. ④ Movement tests
            5. ⑤ Interventions
          4. Ⅱ-4) Proximal tibial anterior glide syndrome
            1. ① Symptoms
            2. ② Alignment and Posture
            3. ③ Muscle and ligament tests
            4. ④ Movement tests
            5. ⑤ Interventions
          5. Ⅱ-5) Proximal tibial posterior glide syndrome
            1. ① Symptoms
            2. ② Alignment and Posture
            3. ③ Muscle and ligament tests
            4. ④ Movement tests
            5. ⑤ Interventions
          6. Ⅱ-6) Iliotibial band friction syndrome
            1. ① Symptoms
            2. ② Alignment and Posture
            3. ③ Muscle and ligament tests
            4. ④ Movement tests
            5. ⑤ Interventions
          7. Ⅱ-7) Proximal tibiofibular glide syndrome
            1. ① Symptoms
            2. ② Alignment and Posture
            3. ③ Muscle and ligament tests
            4. ④ Movement tests
            5. ⑤ Interventions
          8. Ⅱ-8) Tibiofemoral hypomobility syndrome (knee OA)
            1. ① Symptoms
            2. ② Alignment and Posture
            3. ③ Muscle and ligament tests
            4. ④ Movement tests
            5. ⑤ Interventions
    Upper Extremity & Foot & Ankle Part 1강의소개
    Extremity Part 1
    1. 1. Elbow, Wrist and Hand
      1. 1-1) Introduction
      2. 1-2) Elbow Anatomy
        1. Ⅰ. Bone
        2. Ⅱ. Ligament
        3. Ⅲ. Nerve
      3. 1-3) Muscles (above elbow)
        1. Ⅰ. Biceps brachii
        2. Ⅱ. Brachialis
        3. Ⅲ. Brachioradialis
        4. Ⅳ. Anconeus
        5. Ⅴ. Triceps brachii
      4. 1-4) Muscles (below elbow)
        1. Ⅰ. Wrist and finger extensor muscles group
        2. Ⅱ. Supinator
        3. Ⅲ. Wrist and Finger extensor muscles length test
        4. Ⅳ. Wrist and Finger extensor muscles self-stretching
        5. Ⅴ. Wrist and finger flexor muscles group
        6. Ⅵ. Pronator teres
        7. Ⅶ. Wrist and Finger flexor muscles length test
        8. Ⅷ. Wrist and Finger flexor muscles self-stretching
      5. 1-5) Wrist anatomy
        1. Ⅰ. Bone
        2. Ⅱ. Nerve
      6. 1-6) Finger muscles
        1. Ⅰ. Finger extensor muscles
        2. Ⅱ. Finger flexor muscles
        3. Ⅲ. Hand intrinsic muscles
        4. Ⅳ. Lumbrical muscles
        5. Ⅴ. Thena muscles
        6. Ⅵ. Hypothena muscles
        7. Ⅶ. Interossei musclss
      7. 1-7) Alignment I
      8. 1-8) Alignment II
      9. 1-9) Alingment III
    Foot & Ankle Part 1
    1. 1. Anatomy
      1. 1-1) Bone, & Joint
      2. 1-2) Muscles (Origin, insertion, function)
      3. 1-3) TA, EDL, Soleus, GCM, FHL, FDL, PL, PB, TP
    2. 2. Palpation
      1. 2-1) Talus head
      2. 2-2) Navicular tuberosity
      3. 2-3) Tibialis posterior tendon
      4. 2-4) Tibialis posterior nerve
      5. 2-5) Peroneus tendon
      6. 2-6) Sural nerve
    3. 3. Standing alignment
      1. 3-1) RCSP
      2. 3-2) ND test
    4. 4. ROM measurement
      1. 4-1) Ankle DF
      2. 4-2) Inversion & Eversion
    5. 5. Manual muscle testing
      1. 5-1) TA
      2. 5-2) EDL
      3. 5-3) Soleus & GCM
      4. 5-4) TP
      5. 5-5) PL & PB
    6. 6. Muscle length test
      1. 6-1) Soleus
      2. 6-2) GCM
      3. 6-3) EDL
    7. 7. Mobility test
      1. 7-1) First lay
    8. 8. Movement test
      1. 8-1) Small knee bend test
      2. 8-2) Active DF test
    9. 9. Special test
      1. 9-1) Ligament test
      2. 9-2) Nerve tension test
        1. Ⅰ. Tibial nerve
        2. Ⅱ. Tinel’s tapping test
        3. Ⅲ. Common peroneal nerve
        4. Ⅳ. Sural nerve
    Upper Extremity Part 2강의소개
    Elbow, wrist and hand part
    1. 1. Elbow joint
      1. 1-1) Introduction
      2. 1-2) Elbow anatomy
      3. 1-3) Elbow examination
      4. 1-4) Elbow KEMA Classification
        1. Ⅰ. Wrist extension with elbow flexion (forearm pronation) syndrome - Lateral epicondylitis
        2. Ⅱ. Wrist flexion with forearm pronated syndrome - Medial epicondylitis
        3. Ⅲ. Elbow flexion syndrome
        4. Ⅳ. Supinator syndrome
        5. Ⅴ. Pronator syndrome
        6. Ⅵ. Elbow hypomobility
        7. Ⅶ. Uloradial abduction syndrome
        8. Ⅷ. Humeral lateral rotation and UH abduction during elbow extension syndrome
        9. Ⅸ. Elbow extension syndrome
    2. 2. Wrist joint
      1. 2-1) Introduction
      2. 2-2) Alignment
      3. 2-3) Movement
      4. 2-4) Arthrology
      5. 2-5) Wrist KEMA classification
        1. Ⅰ. Insufficiency of wrist extension
        2. Ⅱ. Insufficiency of wrist flexion
        3. Ⅲ. Ulnar deviation syndrome
        4. Ⅳ. Wrist flexion syndrome
    3. 3. Finger joint
      1. 3-1) Introduction
      2. 3-2) Alignment
      3. 3-3) Movement
      4. 3-4) Arthrology
      5. 3-5) Finger KEMA classification
        1. Ⅰ. Insufficient finger and /or thumb flexion
        2. Ⅱ. Insufficient finger and/or thumb extension
        3. Ⅲ. CMC hypermobility
        4. Ⅳ. Finger rotation syndrome
        5. Ⅴ. Tendon friction syndrome -trigger finger
        6. Ⅵ. Thumb IP hyperextension
    Foot & Ankle part 2강의소개
    Foot & Ankle part 2
    1. 1. Introduction
      1. 1-1) Foot Fact
    2. 2. Assessment & Evaluation
      1. 2-1) Factors contributed to foot injury
      2. 2-2) Prone alignment
      3. 2-3) Gait analysis
    3. 3. Biomechanics of foot & ankle
      1. 3-1) Ankle joint
      2. 3-2) Subtalar joint
      3. 3-3) Midtarsal joint
      4. 3-4) First ~fifth ray
      5. 3-5) First MTP joint
    4. 4. KEMA Diagnosis & Management for foot & ankle
      1. 4-1) Pronation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Alignment
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factors
        4. Ⅳ. Managements
      2. 4-2) Supination syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Symptoms
        2. Ⅱ. Alignment
        3. Ⅲ. Contributing factors
        4. Ⅳ. Managements
    5. 5. Insufficient dorsiflexion syndrome
      1. 5-1) Symptoms
      2. 5-2) Alignment
      3. 5-3) Contributing factors
      4. 5-4) Managements
    6. 6. Hypomobility syndrome
      1. 6-1) Symptoms
      2. 6-2) Contributing factors
      3. 6-3) Managements
    7. 7. Ankle sprain (1st or 2nd degree)
      1. 7-1) Symptoms
      2. 7-2) Contributing factors
      3. 7-3) Managements
    8. 8. Toe deformity
      1. 8-1) Alignment
      2. 8-2) Contributing factors
      3. 8-3) Managements
  • 03Master 1

    Master 1전문가 과정

    3. 전문가 과정

    운동기능장애로 신체의 각 부위별 KEMA 평가 및 진단을 익히고, KEMA 진단 및 분류에 따른 운동 및 관리솔루션을 학습하여 전문가를 양성하는 코스입니다.

    [주요 강좌 내용]
    • 운동 조절
    • 운동기능장애로 인한 근골격계통증 유형 분류
    • 운동분석
    • 통증의 원인 찾는 방법
    • 조절되지 않는 운동(uncontrolled movement)
      찾는 방법
    • 임상추론(clinical reasoning) 과정
    • 보상운동(compensatory movement)
    • 운동기능장애 교정을 통한 통증 관리 방법
    • 근육, 운동 불균형 찾기
    • 운동 리모델링
    • 운동기능장애와 근골격계통증 연관성 찾는 방법

    전문가 과정 강의 소개

    Cervical spine Part강의소개
    Cervical spine Part
    1. 1. Case study
      1. 1-1) Diagnosis & management for cervical spine
      2. 1-2) case study
    2. 2. Part 2. Whole body
      1. 2-1) Problems of thorax related to cervical spine
      2. 2-2) Problems of shoulder related to cervical spine
      3. 2-3) Management for thorax related to cervical spine
      4. 2-4) Management for shoulder related to cervical spine
    3. 3. step by step exercise & Management
      1. 3-1) Cervical extension syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      2. 3-2) cervical flexion syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      3. 3-3) cervical rotation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      4. 3-4) cervical extension-rotation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      5. 3-5) cervical flexion-rotation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
    Shoulder Part강의소개
    Shoulder Part
    1. 1. Case study
      1. 1-1) Diagnosis & management for shoulder part
      2. 1-2) case study
    2. 2. Whole body
      1. 2-1) Problems of cervix related to shoulder part
      2. 2-2) Problems of spine related to shoulder part
      3. 2-3) Management for cervix related to shoulder part
      4. 2-4) Management for spine related to shoulder part
    3. 3. step by step exercise & Management
      1. 3-1) Scapular internal rotation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      2. 3-2) Scapular depression syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      3. 3-3) Scapular abduction syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      4. 3-4) Scapular adduction/external rotation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      5. 3-5) scapular elevation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      6. 3-6) scapular anterior tilt syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      7. 3-7) scapular winging syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      8. 3-8) humeral anterior gliding syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      9. 3-9) humeral medial rotation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      10. 3-10) humeral hypomobility syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      11. 3-11) humeral external rotation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
    Lumbar spine Part강의소개
    Lumbar spine Part
    1. 1. Case study
      1. 1-1) Diagnosis & management for lumbar spine
      2. 1-2) case study
    2. 2. Whole body
      1. 2-1) Problems of thorax related to lumbar spine
      2. 2-2) Problems of pelvis related to lumbar spine
      3. 2-3) Management for thorax related to lumbar spine
      4. 2-4) Management for pelvis related to lumbar spine
    3. 3. step by step exercise & Management
      1. 3-1) lumbar extension syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      2. 3-2) lumbar flexion syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      3. 3-3) lumbar rotation syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      4. 3-4) lumbar rotation- extension syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
      5. 3-5) lumbar rotation- flexion syndrome
        1. Ⅰ. Step 1 KEMA management
        2. Ⅱ. Step 2 KEMA management
        3. Ⅲ. Step 3 KEMA management
  • Special course

     Special course

    - Research course (24시간)

    연구와 관련된 다양한 실험장비에 필요한 이론을 학습하고, 실질적으로 실험 장비를 사용하고 측정하면서 연구에 필요한 개념을 학습하는데 목표가 있습니다. 또한 임상적으로 쉽게 활용할 수 있는 Smart KEMA를 이용하여 근력, 관절가동범위, 움직임, 척추 안정성 등을 실질적으로 측정하고, 인체 역학과 관련된 다양한 실험 장비를 다루어 보면서, 그에 필요한 개념을 학습하여, 다양한 연구를 보고 이해할 수 있는 능력과 연구를 수행합니다.

    • 1주차 : Electromyography analysis Motion analysis (1)
    • 2주차 : Motion analysis (2) Strength measurement
    • 3주차 : Stability & Joint centralization

    - KEMA for Golf course (시간미정)

    최근 들어 골프인구의 폭발적인 증가와 함께 골프산업이 크게 발전하고 있으며, 이와 더불어 골프 레슨과 골퍼들에게 발생하는 골프손상에 대한 관심도 함께 증가되고 있습니다. 골퍼들이 골프를 잘 치기 위해서는 많은 훈련을 통해서 일관성있는 스윙을 만드는 것이 필요합니다. 하지만 정확한 스윙이 연습만으로 만들어지지는 않습니다. 각 개인의 근육과 관절의 상태, 그리고 움직임의 범위가 스윙에 영향을 미칩니다. 또한 잘못된 스윙과 반복적인 스윙은 골퍼의 신체 여러부위에 통증을 발생시키기도 합니다.

    이 강좌에서는 골프 스윙의 기능학적 이해와 스윙의 오류를 일으킬 수 있는 신체적 불균형을 평가하고 해결해 줄 수 있는 방법들, 그리고 골퍼들에게 발생할 수 있는 여러 가지 골프 손상의 근본적인 원인과 평가 및 해결 방안들을 KEMA의 관점에서 분석 하고 설명합니다.

    - KEMA for Footwear Management (16시간)

    KEMA for Footwear Management

    최근 각 개인의 행복한 삶을 위해 여가 및 스포츠 활동이 증가되면서 발 건강에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있습니다. 따라서 많은 사람들이 편안하게 걸을 수 있도록 돕는 인솔을 착용하거나 하지기능을 회복시키는 목적으로 다양한 신발들을 선택합니다. 하지만 발에 대한 국민들의 관심은 높아졌음에도 불구하고 건강전문분야 (health profession: 물리치료사, 선수 트레이너, 의사)에서 의 발에 대한 지식은 부족한 실정입니다.

    이 강좌에서는 발의 과사용, 외상 그리고 다양한 발 질환을 해결하기 위해 신발과 발보조기(foot orthoses)를 생체 역학적인 접근방식으로 제작하는데 필요한 신체적 검사, 신발평가, 그리고 보행분석을 설명합니다. 그리고 다양한 발 형태와 발과 관련한 질환에 따른 신발 수정법(shoe modification), 발보조기, 스포츠 활동에 따른 신발 고려사항과 발 테이핑을 적용함으로써 발 전문가(foot specialist)를 양성 하고자 합니다.

    Basic course (8hr) & Advanced Course (8hr): 2 weeks: Total 16hr

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