연구자료Journal of KEMA
Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Technology
케마저널 리스트
2017년에 창간된 Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Technology는 근골격계 기능 장애 및 통증의 원인과 결과를 평가, 관리 및 조사하기위한 운동 시스템 장애 분야의 주요 연구 저널입니다. Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Technology은 KEMA 학회의 공식 간행물입니다. 여기에는 운동 전문가, 물리 치료사, 생체 역학, 정형 외과 의사, 운동 트레이너, 도수 치료사 및 건강 관리 커뮤니티의 다른 사람들을 대상으로 한 최신 증거 기반 연구 및 임상 사례가 포함되어 있습니다.
Journal of Musculoskeletal Science and Technology는 다양한 운동 과학에 걸쳐 연구 논문과 임상 적으로 관련된 내용을 계속 출판하고 있습니다.
Effect of Active Stretching and Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization on the Hip Joint Range of Motion and Stiffness of the Tensor Fascia Lata in Subjects with Shortened Tensor Fascia Lata Effect of Active Stretching an작성일 2023-02-12 조회수1157
Comparison of the EMG Activity of Shoulder Muscles according to Arm Position during Prone Arm Lift Exercise Comparison of the EMG Activity작성일 2023-02-12 조회수924
Comparison of Foot Posture, Joint Position Sense, Dynamic Balance, and Plantar Pressure between Young Adults with and without Obesity Comparison of Foot Posture, Jo작성일 2023-02-12 조회수843
Is Mediolateral Head Motion during the Seated Hip Flexion Test and Indoor Cycling Test Associated with Core Stability? Is Mediolateral Head Motion du작성일 2023-02-12 조회수854
Relationship between Cross-Sectional Area and Function of Core Muscles: An MRI Study Relationship between Cross-Sec작성일 2023-02-12 조회수822
The Effects of Transverse Arch Insole Application on Body Stability in Subject with Flat Foot The Effects of Transverse Arch작성일 2023-02-12 조회수882
The Effectiveness of External Support on Hip Abduction Strength in Subjects with Insufficient Core Stability The Effectiveness of External작성일 2023-02-12 조회수928
Effects of Orthotic Correction of Hallux Valgus on Three-Dimensional Moments of Ankle Joint during Gait in Individuals with Hallux Valgus Deformity Effects of Orthotic Correction작성일 2023-02-12 조회수873
Comparison of Shoulder Total Rotational Range of Motion and External to Internal Rotation Strength Ratio between Assembly Line Workers with and without Subacromial Pain Syndrome Comparison of Shoulder Total R작성일 2023-02-12 조회수514
Is There an Association between the Quality of Life of Incontinence Symptoms and the Hip Joint Muscles Strength in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence? Is There an Association betwee작성일 2023-02-12 조회수490