2016년 Work에 등재된 논문입니다.
- 첨부파일 74첨부파일.pdf
- 작성일 2019-11-07
- 조회수611
- 네이버 공유 링크 복사
2016년 Work에 등재된 논문입니다.
이 저널의 Impact factor는 0.715입니다.
이 저널의 Impact factor는 0.715입니다.
Title: Comparison of muscle activity of wrist extensors and kinematics of wrist joint during wrist extension in automobile assembly line workers with and without lateral epicondylitis.
Title: Comparison of muscle activity of wrist extensors and kinematics of wrist joint during wrist extension in automobile assembly line workers with and without lateral epicondylitis.
Authors: Choung SD, Park KN, Kim SH, Kwon OY.
Authors: Choung SD, Park KN, Kim SH, Kwon OY.
Reference: Work. 2016;55(1):241-247.
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유화익 KEMA 연구원:yhi940929@naver.com